5 Things You Can Do With Your Yoga Qualification Besides Teaching 

Back in 2018, when I gained my first 200-hour yoga certification, I envisioned my future of teaching yoga classes, workshops, and retreats. I adored the feeling of sharing my knowledge with others in the studio and through the interactions I had with my yogis.

Then, when the pandemic hit in 2020, my teaching career took a detour, as it did for all yoga professionals. However, as many teachers transitioned their in-person classes to virtual ones, I decided to see what other opportunities my yoga qualification could bring me.

After two years of teaching full-time, I was starting to feel exhausted and, at times, drained. However, by broadening my horizon as a yoga professional and using my knowledge in different areas, I was able to conserve my energy better and find more balance.

Alternative Jobs For Yoga Teachers

During the pandemic, I discovered many alternative jobs for yoga teachers besides teaching classes. Teaching yoga full-time is not for everyone, and that’s totally ok. If you’ve ever wondered what else you could do with your yoga qualification besides teaching, here are five ideas.

Writing For Yoga And Wellness Websites

If you have a flair for words and a good level of English, you can share your yoga expertise by writing for yoga blogs and websites. There are always wellness and yoga-related companies looking for copywriters, and naturally, they prefer those with industry knowledge. What’s more, if you’re bilingual, you can use your skills to write blogs in multiple languages. 

As a yoga writer, you could write informative articles for budding yogis or create promotional copy to encourage more people to try yoga. If you’re interested in finding writing gigs, promote your services in yoga-related Facebook groups, sign up to freelancing platforms, or reach out directly to yoga companies. 

Alternatively, you can start a yoga blog for your independent teaching business or for a studio where you teach. Creating yoga and wellness articles is one of the best ways to grow your online following and, thus, increase your sales and reach. 

As you understand yoga practitioners’ pain points and desires, you already know how to communicate with them. 

Creating A Prerecorded Course

The pandemic not only opened up the possibility for yoga teachers to teach their classes virtually. Many also took advantage of their new working from home setup by creating pre-recorded classes and courses. If you’re looking to move away from full-time live teaching, creating virtual yoga courses will increase your income without you having to work more hours.

In 2022, creating an online course and launching a membership site is not as difficult as you would think. It’s totally possible to film yoga videos on a smartphone with an affordable microphone, and there are many easy-to-use editing apps, too. 

In addition, you don’t have to spend a fortune creating a website. There are many platforms where you can host your pre-recorded classes for a small fee. For example, all Momoyoga members have access to the Video On Demand feature where you can create an online video library and share it with your yogis. 

You don’t have to create an entire course either. You can simply record your live Zoom yoga classes and sell them as a package to your existing yoga community.

Making Videos For Apps And Companies

The ever-increasing popularity of wellness apps brings a flux of opportunities for tech-savvy yoga teachers. Start-up wellness apps seek out yoga instructors to partner with to produce instructional videos for their users. There are also corporate companies that are often on the lookout for yoga and meditation instructors to create wellness content for their employees. 

Creating yoga videos can be an excellent alternative or addition to teaching yoga. You can choose your work hours, yet you still get to do what you love, teach. What’s more, as you’re partnering with another company, you potentially could increase your reach and online following much more than you would on your own. 

Managing Social Media Accounts For Yoga Companies

Nowadays, almost every business is on social media. Even so, posting social media content is a time-consuming task, so many business owners opt to hire a social media manager instead. So, if you know the ins and outs of Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok, why not offer to create social media campaigns for yoga studios or yoga-related businesses?

Even if you don’t have previous experience in social media management, you know the benefits of the practice more than anyone. As you understand yoga practitioners’ pain points and desires, you already know how to communicate with them. Therefore, writing social media posts can make an excellent side job alongside teaching that won’t take too much of your time or energy.


Create Yoga Products

One of the biggest advantages of moving away from full-time teaching is the ability to create a passive income. One of the best ways yoga instructors can earn money while they sleep is by making and selling yoga products. 

Mats, blocks, and other yoga props are popular wellness products that sell well. However, I recommend thinking outside the box and reflecting on what you can create using your personal experience. For example, if you have a daily journaling practice that you swear by, why not design yoga journals for practitioners or other yoga teachers? 

Creating a yoga product is a big project that will initially require a significant amount of time and effort. However, after the launch, the workload will reduce considerably. Also, bear in mind that you’ll have to outsource some of the design work along with the product’s manufacturing, and there will be some start-up costs involved.

Final Thoughts

There’s no denying that yoga is a fast-growing industry. As a result, there are an increasing number of ways to make a living as a yoga professional besides teaching classes. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle alongside your teaching career or are struggling to make a living from instructing classes, these are five examples of alternative jobs for yoga instructors.

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Gemma Clarke
Gemma Clarke is a yoga and mindfulness teacher and freelance wellness writer. She’s passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience through movement and words. Aside from helping others find more peace and stillness, Gemma is an advocate for stray cats and fosters orphaned kittens for a local animal rescue center.

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