Momoyoga 2023 Winter Release ❄️
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Teaching hybrid yoga classes with Momoyoga

Embrace the future of yoga by teaching hybrid yoga classes. Hybrid teaching is the combination of online and in-person classes. We're excited to introduce you to the hybrid teaching model. 

 Get started 


Reach a broader audience

By teaching online and offline classes at the same time, you can reach different audiences. Yogis who are ready to practice in the studio and those who prefer to practice at home, wherever that may be in the world. 

Enhance your income

Streaming your live yoga classes online can increase your revenue. Studios have the ability to set up different pricing options for in-studio and online classes. That means, you teach once and get paid twice

Create more flexibility

Flexibility goes hand in hand with hybrid yoga classes. By offering online and in-person classes, yogis can choose what they prefer. And if your studio class is full, yogis can still reserve a spot for the online class. 

Focus on what matters

Hybrid teaching gives you more balance. By keeping the studio spots limited, you can easily follow social distancing guidelines and keep your focus on the mat. Keeping you and your yogis safe has never been easier.

Ready to offer hybrid yoga classes?

Using Momoyoga yoga studio software, you can easily set up your online, in-studio, hybrid, and pre-recorded classes. Adding a hybrid class takes you only a few minutes. Learn how to add your first hybrid class to Momoyoga. 

Start your free trial     Book a demo


New to the hybrid teaching model?


Guide to Teaching Hybrid Yoga

Read our guide and master your hybrid yoga classes with confidence.


The Virtual Teaching Bundle

A collection of our favorite features, guides, and insights to prepare your hybrid yoga classes.


Read our New Ebook

Explore the unique benefits and challenges when it comes to virtual teaching.


Adapting to the New Normal

Check out our blog for some tips and tricks on getting started with hybrid teaching.


Explore Momoyoga's Features

Get to know more of Momoyoga's features to optimize your hybrid teaching experience.


Add Videos on Demand

Increase revenue and extend your virtual offering by selling pre-recorded videos to your yogis.

Try for free

30-day trial. No strings attached.