Momoyoga 2023 Winter Release ❄️
Introducing promo codes and event ticket types!


Introducing Momoyoga Video on Demand

Embrace digital and hybrid teaching with Video on Demand. Let your yogis easily watch pre-recorded classes at the time that suits them best. Your yogis are able to purchase access to your online video library. 

Get started 


Video Playlists

From now on, you will be able to create Video Playlists. This means that instead of purchasing access to all of your added videos, yogis can also purchase access to specific playlists with memberships that you offer. ✨ 

Get started

Give your yogis access anytime, anywhere

Provide your yogis with an easy way to maintain their yoga practice by offering pre-recorded classes. Build new relationships all over the world, at any time. 

Reach new yogis with Videos on Demand

Grow your yogi base and audience. You are no longer tied up by your own availability, the number of available spots, or your location. 

Receive extra income

Generate extra income outside of your opening hours. Offering recorded yoga classes via Video on Demand is a great addition next to your existing offering.

Do you already teach online classes?

Besides videos, you can expand your digital teaching experience with online classes. Our online class feature is free and simple - you can set up an online class in less than a minute. Learn how to create an online class with Momoyoga

Start your free trial    Book a demo

New to teaching yoga online and recording videos?


Add Videos on Demand

Learn how to add your videos to Momoyoga from external hosting platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.


Add hybrid yoga classes

Combine in-person and online classes by using our hybrid yoga classes feature.


Add online classes

Learn how to combine Momoyoga with streaming services like Zoom.


Become a pro at online teaching

Read our guide to teaching yoga online and master your online classes with confidence.


Navigate the new normal

Our team collected all features, guides, and insights that might help you during these times.


Read our free ebook

Learn how to teach online and hybrid classes and ramp up your online learning.

Try for free

30-day trial. No strings attached.