Momoyoga 2023 Winter Release ❄️
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PHP Symfony Developer

Tilburg (the Netherlands)

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PHP Symfony Backend developer at Momoyoga. Work hybrid from home and our office in Tilburg at a fast-growing SaaS company, and manage hundreds of thousands of users every day.

"We help yoga teachers worldwide find balance in studio management."

At Momoyoga we are a relatively small team, but we have big dreams. Our mission? To help people find balance. This by creating the best management software for yoga studios worldwide. And with this, we need some assistance. We are searching for the right person to join us in our quest to conquer the (yoga) world.

We are a creative and product-customer-minded team. We are ambitious though modest. We value the individual behind every team member. We want to build a great product, but also create a great working environment where we enjoy working together and growing the company.

What is the challenge? 🚀 

Yoga studio software may not say that much to you, but while you just were reading the first bits of this job description, users from Australia or Alaska have been booking and paying for classes using our mobile app. Studio owners have been processing billing information and new customers hopped right on our onboarding train. At Momoyoga we try to create software that’s both easy to use and powerful in features. Fast. Secure. State of the art, without bothering our users with it.

What am I going to do? 🤔

  • Your main focus will be the Momoyoga backend application which powers our platform.
  • Work on new features in collaboration with the product team.
  • Refactor existing bits and features, to make them faster, more powerful or easier to use. Don’t be afraid to break things if the improvements are clear!
  • Work with external platforms from our partner PSP’s, other SaaS solutions we integrate with, and much more.
  • You will have the opportunity to collaborate on our mobile app and frontend, or even pick up some DevOps responsibilities if you’d like. .

What skills do I need? 📋

The following technical skills need to fit you perfectly:

  • You need to know PHP inside-out and feel comfortable with it’s documentation. Be interested in the improvements of the latest versions.
  • Have a thorough understanding of PHP frameworks and libraries, with a BIG pre on Symfony Framework 4.x and newer.
  • Feel comfortable with MySQL/MariaDB queries that need to collect rows for thousands of customers while still being efficient.
  • Be accustomed with a containerised development environment. At least know what a Docker container is and how to use it.
  • Know how to build a maintainable application, know what Dependency Injection is,an understanding of design patterns and how to apply them.
  • Preferably have experience with writing tests so you don’t have to spend too much time fixing your own regressions, because that's no fun!

Of course, we require someone with soft-skills as well:

  • Do you have a passion for online software? Possibly with experience at a SaaS company.
  • Can you collaborate with our Customer Success team?
  • Can you work independently, and do you also know when to be a team player?
  • Are you flexible, can you handle change being our daily business?
  • Do you work towards measurable goals? Can you balance quality and performance?
  • Can you manage freedom and time effectively? You should be comfortable working from our office, your home. Do you keep a healthy work-life balance? We’ll gladly help you with that!

    What am I going to get? 🙏

    In addition to a good salary and a healthy lunch when in the office, you also get:

    • MacBook Pro (available for private use too) and other needed tech gear
    • Travel costs
    • Flexible holiday leave
    • Flexible remote working
    • No set office hours

    Who do I work together with? 👩‍💻

    You will work directly with everyone in the Product team. This team currently holds two developers (one senior and one juniar) a UX designer and a designer/product owner. Next you will be in direct contact with the Customer Success team and Growth team. As Momoyoga still has a relatively small team, you’ll basically work with everyone. Many of our weekly and monthly events are an all-team gathering. 


    How to Apply

    Sounds like a good fit for you? Don’t hesitate and email Stefan directly