Momoyoga 2023 Winter Release ❄️
Introducing promo codes and event ticket types!

A new release

Today we’re announcing the launch of a free yoga teacher-focused approach to our platform.

Our mission is to create a home for every yoga teacher.

Momoyoga is embarking on a bold mission to create a home for all things yoga. At the heart of our brand is the yoga teacher. That’s why we are introducing some new features in this bigger release of 2022 to help every yoga teacher feel at home with Momoyoga.

This new release includes:

Teacher view

Personal plan

Benefits for yoga teacher training schools


Teacher view

Every yoga teacher is unique. We want to embrace this - it’s the reason why a yogi chooses a certain teacher. That’s why we’ve added a new appearance that is not studio-centered but evolves around the teacher.  It displays the teacher’s unique personality. All to make you, as a teacher and your yogis, feel more at home at Momoyoga.

Personal branding

Add a personal touch by adding images.

Clear and simple

Everything a teacher has to offer in one overview.

Customise your page

Decide what your page should look like by reordering sections.


Personal plan

We also want to help teachers who are just getting started with developing their yoga journey. That’s why we've added a new Momoyoga plan.

A plan for starting teachers

From now on, every teacher that just finished their yoga teacher training can start with Momoyoga -  no monthly costs.

Only pay for what you use

If you’re not using Momoyoga, you’re not paying. Momoyoga only receives a small percentage once you start earning, so we only succeed when you succeed.


Benefits for yoga

teacher training schools

If you’re making an impact, we’d like to help.

Let’s help each other

If you’re making an impact, we’d like to help. We want to support yoga teacher training schools and non-profit organizations worldwide. That’s why we want to provide these schools and organizations with all available features — for free.

We’d like to hear from you

Contact us if you run a yoga teacher school or non-profit organization to get full use of Momoyoga for free.

Let us help you get started now

We understand the yoga community like no other. Floor, Lorena, Joost and Vera are here to guide you through your yoga teaching journey.